INSTRUCTOR- Richard Driscoll DATE: OCT. 1-4 LOCATION: NASHVILLE,TENNESSEE / HANDS-ON CLASS TIME - 8:00 am - 5:00 CENTRAL TIME * IICRC requires AMRT to be 'in classroom' REQUIRED: *'Active' WRT-Water Damage Restoration certification (or awaiting test results) is required by IICRC before testing for AMRT certification NEW IICRC REQUIREMENT: Register for exam prior to class online in your IICRC account and bring proof to show instructor. IICRC exam is $150 and is taken in classroom on 4th day of class.


Class Info


REQUIRED:  *'Active' WRT-Water Damage Restoration certification (or awaiting test results) is required by IICRC before testing for AMRT certification

This 'in classroom' AMRT is located in NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE

Whether you specialize in water damage, sewage clean-up, or mold remediation or just handle the ‘occasional’ small flood, this class can help keep you out of trouble! This class covers extremely valuable info such as: Step by step containment construction, proper mold remediation, critical air flow requirements, and much more. Various guidelines, standards, & principles of remediation Structural remediation & water. Setting up drying equipment, air scrubbers, and building containment Microbiology & health effects. Microorganisms-fungi, bacteria, viruses. Are they active or dormant? Work procedures. Cleaning vs removal. ‘Contents’ remediation- clean or replace? Personal protection, health, & safety. Are you dealing with life-threatening contamination? Microbial sampling. Biocides & antimicrobial -determining when to use. Should you Ozone? Sewage back-flows. E-coli, salmonella, shigella, pseudomonas, parasites, hepatitus A, rotovirus, adenovirus……WHAT ARE THEY AND ARE YOU PROTECTED? (hint: they can kill)